Topic: Let Anger go
Memory Verse: “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath,
Ephesians 4:26
Main Texts: Proverbs 15:18, Ecclesiastes 7:9, Colossians 3:8
Word For Thought: Anger should not control us, we must control it.
There is no doubt that anger is part of our nature and sometimes, it may help you to make some bold decisions and it helps in some way but if not controlled, you will regret. I am yet to know a man who has never been angry before. There is none, God gets angry as shown in Psalm 30:5, but God does not act in His anger, seriously, no creature can stand a millisecond of God’s anger. If God should act in anger, all of us on earth here will be swallowed up in a second. Remember from the scripture above, in His anger, the Lord turns our sorrows into joy.
What do we do when we are angry? Do we curse people, pray for them to die? In anger you pack and baggage and leave your home, business or marriage? Remember this, Anger cannot accomplish anything in this life. Remember this that your life now could have been better if you had led Mr. Anger away from your life.
In one way or the other, anger has destroyed your destiny, your reason for life, your home, properties, marriage, education, your ministry, and your love for God. With anger you change from church to church, my dear, say a big “NO” to anger, destroy it before it destroys you.
Note this:
God loves us that He demonstrated his Love by giving us Jesus, He died for and wants you to live peacefully. Through Him we operate in miracles, signs and wonders. If you are not born again, you are not a partaker of this great power. Your life is limited with no divine inheritance, no direction, and failure is not an option. If you want to be born again by giving your life to Christ, or to renew your faith, pray this prayer
“Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me of my sins and cleanse me with Your Blood. Deliver me from sin and Satan to serve the living God. I accept You as my Lord and Savior. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.”'
Prayers for Today
- Praise and worship the Lord for the gift of His peace in these times of troubles.
- Pray like this “ Every seed of anger troubling my life, die in Jesus name!!”
- Pray that God will give you a clean spirit and a clean heart.
- Pray, "Father direct my paths in Jesus name"
- Pray for your family and friends, they can put you to anger.