Topic: Check the Root
Memory Verse: If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?Psalm 11:3
Main Texts: Job 14:8-10, Proverbs 12:12, Matthew 13:5-7,
Word For Thought: The glory of the top, depends on the down.
The strength of a house depends on its foundation, if its is strong the house is strong, and the vice versa. Likewise, the strength of a tree depends on its roots. If the root is firm and grounded, the tree can stand against any terror of storm and challenges of the weather. The life blood of the tree depends on the root. The roots provide water and other necessary nutrients for the tree to grow well. So since the root is the major life blood of the tree, if it is damaged or if it is not grounded, any little storm can blow the tree away, so in that case, the fault is not the wind, but the root, it was not grounded enough.
The same principle applies to our Christian life. If the foundation of our faith is not grounded upon the solid Rock, the wind will come, and we will be blown away. When the wind of sickness, sorrow, poverty, barrenness, joblessness, persecution, failures, obstacles, frustration etc. blows, that which will allow us to stand is our faith. The root or the foundation of every believer is his or her faith. So if the faith be destroyed what can the righteous do?
Also until we discover the truth behind every predicament, we may classify it as a godly endurance or right afflictions. Jesus said "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" John 8:32. If you know the truth about any issue, you easily confront the situation. If you had known the truth about your health, you would not have been to the places you went, your destiny had taken shape by now.
Toady check the root. The root is the foundation for house to stand, your root is your faith in the midst of troubles and trials, your root is the truth you need to know, concerning your marriage, and other issues of this life. Pray now!
Note this: If you are not born again, you live a very dangerous life, you have no firm roots, any wind of failure can blow you away. Moreover, you are a candidate of hell fire. If you want to be born again by giving your life to Christ, pray this prayer
“Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me of my sins and cleanse me with Your Blood. Deliver me from sin and Satan to serve the living God. I accept You as my Lord and Savior. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.”
Prayers for Today………………………………
1. Praise and worship the Lord who blessed us all to see this day.
2. Pray this, “Father, grant me the grace to know the truth concerning this,......issue of my life”.
3. Pray this, “Father, I plant my destiny on Jesus the solid rock”.
4. Pray this, “Father, I confront every satanic torments over my life in Jesus name”.
5. Pray this, “Father, what you have not built shall not stand in my life, in Jesus name”
send me an email, if you prayed to give your life to Christ, God bless you ;;;