Monday, August 29, 2016

The Burning Bush.

Topic: The Burning Bush.

Memory Verse:  "Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all to see. For the glory of the LORD rises to shine on you. Isaiah 60:1 (NLT).

Main Texts: Exodus 3:1-3

Daily Quote: You can never shine in darkness but Light, approach it - Michael Gyekye

Bible in One Year - Job 34:1-36:33 2 Corinthians 4:1-12 Psalm 44:1-8 Proverbs 22:10-12

According to our main text for today; arise and shine Jerusalem or arise and shine oh the Church or you as a Christian for your light has come and the glory of God is risen upon you. Beloved as a Christian you are the light of this world and you must shine. What will happen if you shine? You attract people to you. It was the burning bush that attracted Moses. Nobody wants to associate with people of darkness. In fact, nobody wants to be a friend to the devil whose ways are in the dark. Nobody loves darkness but light even including flies, at night they approach nothing but light. If you have a light especially in the village at night where there is no other light, you will see all forms of insects around that light. This means nobody loves darkness including animals.

When you shine as a Christian, God and blessings comes to fellowship with you. When Adam was in Eden and there was no sin or darkness in him, God will descend in the cool of the day to fellowship with man. This means light attracts heavenly presence and commands authority over your life. Darkness has no place in glory. Sin has no dignity to the sense of this life.

When Moses saw the burning bush; he thought of himself to approach that burning bush.  Remember we are in Zion, the time of the church. The time that the people living in darkness have to see a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a great light has been dawned. The church is the same bush that is burning and must burn now so that all men can approach this great light. Remember what Moses saw was Light but not fire although it was burning. Beloved, I pray that today you will walk in the radiance of the Light of God.

“Enough is Enough 2016" is coming off November 5th at PIWC-NY, 1600 Adams st, NY 10460, 4pm-9:30pm. It is a 5-hour prayer, the word, praise and worship, deliverance program, aimed to cry unto God for the impossible. Please pray about it. I have prayed to God that, if He will not answer you, He shouldn’t let it come on. But I know He will.  It is a platform for a miraculous breakthrough. God bless your Jesus precious name.

Note this: 

God loves you and wants to set you free. Jesus died for you and salvation is the gateway for divine blessings and abundance. If you are not born again, you are not free. If you want to be born again today by giving your life to Christ, or you want to renew your faith,  please pray this prayer 

“Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me of my sins and cleanse me with Your Blood. Deliver me from sin and Satan to serve the living God. I accept You as my Lord and Savior. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.”'

Prayers for Today

  1. Father, I praise and honor you for your goodness and love.
  2. Father, I pray for the glory of your Light in Jesus name.
  3. Father, I need grace to walk in Light in Jesus name.
  4. Father, may your Word be a Light on my path in Jesus name.
  5. Father, I pray, no evil shall hurt me in Jesus name.
Send me an email, if you prayed to give your life to Christ, God bless you. 
All scriptures are in NKJV, unless stated. 

Friday, August 26, 2016

When Christianity goes Wrong.

Topic: When Christianity goes Wrong.

Memory Verse:  Therefore, the Lord said: “Inasmuch as these people draw near with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but have removed their hearts far from Me, and their fear toward Me is taught by the commandment of men, Isaiah 29:13

Main Texts: Matthew 7:21-23

Daily Quote: Living a daily life of absolute faith in God is the only secret to great success - Archbishop Benson Idahosa.

Bible in One Year - Job 23:1-27:23 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11 Psalm 41:1-13 Proverbs 22:5-6

Remember that not anyone in the church is a Christian. I have also come to realized that also, someone can go to heaven without entering into a church. Judas was in the Church but he went to hell, the arm robber on the tree made it but he never went to church. I am not sounding controversial here. In the time of Jesus, who killed Him? His own, I must say the church. He was rejected and betrayed by His own church Elder, Judas. He was denied by His own presiding Elder, Peter and was crucified by the entire congregation, all left Him.

In fact, they preferred a robber and a murderer over Him when He had committed no robbery or murder. The priests and the church elders who thought he was blasphemous plotted to kill Him even in the church. Although they were in the church yet, their hearts were evil. They were evil makers who plan evil 24/7, and to make matter worse, they drove Him from church when He first visited them with His mission.

Beloved; are you a Christian or Religious? Religious men worshipped laws that can make them better and righteous in the sight of God. So long as they live by the traditions, they are ok. but a Christian is not under the law, nor a tradition abiding person, but he or she operates on the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. The church is not a path to heaven but Christ Jesus. It is a place where heavenly minded men and women fellowship but when the mindset is wrong, the church can go wrong.

Christianity goes wrong when Christ is not in the picture and the center of doctrine. Sometimes you ask yourself, what will Jesus do? If Jesus is to be alive right now, will I betray Him or not with my traditions, religious mindset and laws we have made ourselves. I am looking forward to see a church that will not be partial in classifying what sin is. A church that will love one another regardless of who they are or where they come from. We must move from who’s church is the best and focus on the universal church of Christ, the church of love and compassion; because in heaven we shall all be one; I mean there is no church in heaven.

“Enough is Enough 2016" is coming off November 5th at PIWC-NY, 1600 Adams st, NY 10460, 4pm-9:30pm. It is a 5-hour prayer, the word, praise and worship, deliverance program, aimed to cry unto God for the impossible. Please pray about it. I have prayed to God that, if He will not answer you, He shouldn’t let it come on. But I know He will.  It is a platform for a miraculous breakthrough. God bless your Jesus precious name.

Note this: 

God loves you and wants to set you free. Jesus w``afor you and salvation is the gateway for divine blessings and abundance. If you are not born again, you are not free. If you want to be born again today by giving your life to Christ, or you want to renew your faith,  please pray this prayer 

“Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me of my sins and cleanse me with Your Blood. Deliver me from sin and Satan to serve the living God. I accept You as my Lord and Savior. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.”'

Prayers for Today

  1. Father, I praise and honor you for your goodness and love.
  2. Father, I pray for understanding of this Faith in Jesus name.
  3. Father, I need grace to walk this christian way in Jesus name.
  4. Father, may your Word be a Light on my path in Jesus name.
  5. Father, I pray, no evil shall hurt me in Jesus name.
Send me an email, if you prayed to give your life to Christ, God bless you. 
All scriptures are in NKJV, unless stated. 

Divine Pattern

Topic: Divine Pattern.

Memory Verse:  And you shall remember that the Lord your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and test you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not. Deuteronomy 8:2

Main Texts: Psalm 27:11-13

Daily Quote: Faith does not make things easy, it makes things possible. – Archbishop Benson Idahosa.

Bible in One Year - Job 20:1-22:30 2 Corinthians 1:1-11 Psalm 40:11-17 Proverbs 22:2-4

When God took the people of Israel from Egypt, He could have let them take a very short path to the promised Land. It was only a short journey from Egypt to Canaan by the most direct route. A splendid highway ran up the coast through the country of the Philistines and the distance was not over 250 miles, or about a month’s journey. But if they had made this journey here, there is a likelihood that the Philistines would have captured them and make them slaves. Also, God wanted them to go to the Land by faith. Faith will move God and man; it will take you through when everything else fails.

The shortest and easiest way is not always the best way. Nothing good comes so easy, if you are getting things easy please watch out, it would be very expensive later. Sometimes the longest and most difficult journey is the safest, surest and best in the end. But the Lord never intended that there would be such a long delay and that the short journey should require more than forty years but He was preparing them.

I don’t know how long you have waited on God. May be your expectation is taking more than expected. Many have passed you to get what you have been waiting and many are mocking at you. But I have a great news for you, good things don’t come easy, God is preparing you for the best. If a 50-year-old can bear twins and woman with no womb can give birth, yours is little. Wait on God no matter how it tarries, the Glory of the latter day shall be greater because greater is He, the one who has called you, Jehovah and He shall surely do it.

“Enough is Enough 2016" is coming off November 5th at PIWC-NY, 1600 Adams st, NY 10460, 4pm-9:30pm. It is a 5-hour prayer, the word, praise and worship, deliverance program, aimed to cry unto God for the impossible. Please pray about it. I have prayed to God that, if He will not answer you, He shouldn’t let it come on. But I know He will.  It is a platform for a miraculous breakthrough. God bless your Jesus precious name.

Note this: 

God loves you and wants to set you free. Jesus died for you and salvation is the gateway for divine blessings and abundance. If you are not born again, you are not free. If you want to be born again today by giving your life to Christ, or you want to renew your faith,  please pray this prayer 

“Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me of my sins and cleanse me with Your Blood. Deliver me from sin and Satan to serve the living God. I accept You as my Lord and Savior. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.”'

Prayers for Today

  1. Father, I praise and honor you, you are mine way and restoration.
  2. Father, cleanse me and place me on your divine path in Jesus name.
  3. Father, I need grace to walk this christian way in Jesus name.
  4. Father, may your Word be a Light on my path in Jesus name.
  5. Father, I pray, no evil shall hurt me in Jesus name.
Send me an email, if you prayed to give your life to Christ, God bless you. 
All scriptures are in NKJV, unless stated. 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

When the Light goes Down.

Topic: When the Light goes Down.

Memory Verse:  This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5

Main Texts: 2 Corinthians 4:5-7

Daily Quote:  Life is full of choices but faith in God will affect them all, for Christ can do all things.  – Archbishop Benson Idahosa.

Bible in One Year - Job 16:1-19:29 1 Corinthians 16:1-24 Psalm 40:1-10 Proverbs 22:1

Where I come from we experience a lot of power cuts. And when the power is on you here all forms of sounds and merry making in various homes and houses, people stay late and you see a lot of people on the streets and stores around the neighborhood. But when the power goes off, the lights go off and you will hear the disappointment and the frustrations from these homes. Why? This lights-out has caused a great despair and darkness over the people.

When God saw the darkness upon the earth, He saw the disappointment and the same frustrations upon the surface of the earth. The earth was without form when the lights were out and God said “Let there be light” and there was light. That began the creation of this wonderful earth. Darkness has no energy in it. When there is darkness people walk in fear because many evil take place in the night-time.

Darkness brings about a great distress, people suffer hunger, intense fear, there is a great disappointment and disgrace among the people. Darkness leads people astray because there is no direction. When a nation walks in darkness, they fail in all areas. They fail economically and because the leaders are blind, they take strange measures and impose abominable laws to cover the people but I pray that, the light of God will shine upon this nation in Jesus name.

Light is God and God is Light. Where God is darkness cannot prevail because His glory alone is a great light that can transform any form of distress, disappointment and shame. So when He saw the formless earth, where the light has gone down and darkness prevailing, God who is Light spoke Himself upon the earth and it was formed. May that same God enter your light with His presence in Jesus name.

“Enough is Enough 2016" is coming off November 5th at PIWC-NY, 1600 Adams st, NY 10460, 4pm-9:30pm. It is a 5-hour prayer, the word, praise and worship, deliverance program, aimed to cry unto God for the impossible. Please pray about it. I have prayed to God that, if He will not answer you, He shouldn’t let it come on. But I know He will.  It is a platform for a miraculous breakthrough. God bless your Jesus precious name.

Note this: 

God loves you and wants to set you free. Jesus died for you and salvation is the gateway for divine blessings and abundance. If you are not born again, you are not free. If you want to be born again today by giving your life to Christ, or you want to renew your faith,  please pray this prayer 

“Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me of my sins and cleanse me with Your Blood. Deliver me from sin and Satan to serve the living God. I accept You as my Lord and Savior. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.”'

Prayers for Today

  1. Father, I glory in your name, for you are Light.
  2. Father, cleanse me from all forms of darkness in Jesus name.
  3. Father, I need grace to operate in Light in Jesus name.
  4. Father, darkness can never be my portion in Jesus name.
  5. Father, I pray, let my light to all men in Jesus name.
Send me an email, if you prayed to give your life to Christ, God bless you. 
All scriptures are in NKJV, unless stated. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Why are you here?

Topic: Why are you here?

Memory Verse:  Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, “Where are you?” Genesis 3:9

Main Texts: Genesis 39:19-23

Daily Quote: Where you are can make or unmake you !  – Michael Gyekye

Bible in One Year - Job 12:1-15:35 1 Corinthians 15:29-58 Psalm 39:1-13 Proverbs 21:30-31

When God creates you, He creates your destiny. He places you at areas of divine guidance into your destiny. It may seem awkward and way off but it is in God’s line for your destiny to be fulfilled. It is your responsibility to be obedient in that path of life. God had a plan for Joseph to be the second in command in Egypt. But look; he was buried to rot and die, he was later sold as a slave, he became a houseboy in the same land and was arrested and placed in prison the same land until that day of glory came. In a haste, God changed his raiment and he was adorned with the garment of honor overnight.

Today I pray; may that same God change your destiny in Jesus name. Although you are struggling now and you are too far from what you have dreamt of; may be your dream has been buried, may be your dream has been sold as a slave and imprisoned but I have some good news for, Jehovah El Roi who sees you, knows it all, and your joy shall surely come in the morning. This is your path into greatness, and you are going to be delivered gloriously in Jesus name.

But, where are you? Are you seeking comfort instead of been comforted? Are you following someone’s flock instead of your own, what do you spend more time on? Your position is very important. When they were looking for Joseph for him to assume his royal role, they went to the prison not his home, if he was not there, what do you think will happen? His destiny was sealed and deposited in a prison so for him to fulfill it, He has to go into prison.

My beloved, it will be sad if you cannot be found at the place of glory and today you shall not miss. So be also present when we pray at 1600 Adams St on November 5th for our “Enough is Enough 2016”.

“Enough is Enough 2016" is coming off November 5th at PIWC-NY, 1600 Adams st, NY 10460, 4pm-9:30pm. It is a 5-hour prayer, the word, praise and worship, deliverance program, aimed to cry unto God for the impossible. Please pray about it. I have prayed to God that, if He will not answer you, He shouldn’t let it come on. But I know He will.  It is a platform for a miraculous breakthrough. God bless your Jesus precious name.

Note this: 

God loves you and wants to set you free. Jesus died for you and salvation is the gateway for divine blessings and abundance. If you are not born again, you are not free. If you want to be born again today by giving your life to Christ, or you want to renew your faith,  please pray this prayer 

“Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me of my sins and cleanse me with Your Blood. Deliver me from sin and Satan to serve the living God. I accept You as my Lord and Savior. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.”'

Prayers for Today

  1. Father, I praise and glorify you today.
  2. Father, cleanse me from all my sins in Jesus name.
  3. Father, I need grace to be preserved in Jesus name.
  4. Father, cancel any evil path against my destiny in Jesus name.
  5. Father, I pray, renew my mind, take hold of my heart in Jesus name.
Send me an email, if you prayed to give your life to Christ, God bless you. 
All scriptures are in NKJV, unless stated. 

Thursday, August 18, 2016

When the going gets tough!

Topic: When the going gets tough!

Memory Verse:  “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 

Main Texts: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Daily Quote: Our speed cannot get us there, only by grace  – Michael Gyekye

Bible in One Year - Esther 1:1-3:15 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 Psalm 35:17-28 Proverbs 21:19-20

I have lived to appreciate life and each day of my life as a registered nurse taking care of sick people, I thank my God for His love and compassion upon my soul, my family and friends. I have seen many people taking their last breath and people who only has a moment to live. Sometimes, it gets very emotional, you ask yourself where are all these people going? Is this the price for all these hard-works? Live today to appreciate this gift of life from God our maker because when death approaches, all you have labor doesn’t matter.

Some people work a lot. They have less time for themselves, family, children and church. Many people go to church only on Sundays and even that, they go late. God is not part of our day's agenda at all. That is why things are tough for us. We leave God out when all seem not to work for our good. Some blame and ask God many questions. What do you do when the going gets tough? God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.

Daniel was captured and was placed in the lion’s den but he was not hurt. God could have delivered him even before he was thrown into the lions’ den, but this faithful God, had a plan. A plan to shut down the mouth of these hungry lions so that they will be prepared to eat Daniel's enemies. Your hardships determines your glory. If you pass through, you get to your divine destination. Concerning your issues and problems that refuse to go; God has a plan. Value life, for out of it comes fulfillment. Stay blessed.

“Enough is Enough 2016" is coming off November 5th at PIWC-NY, 1600 Adams st, NY 10460, 4pm-9:30pm. It is a 5-hour prayer, the word, praise and worship, deliverance program, aimed to cry unto God for the impossible. Please pray about it. I have prayed to God that, if He will not answer you, He shouldn’t let it come on. But I know He will.  It is a platform for a miraculous breakthrough. God bless your Jesus precious name.

Note this: 

God loves you and wants to set you free. Jesus died for you and salvation is the gateway for divine blessings and abundance. If you are not born again, you are not free. If you want to be born again today by giving your life to Christ, or you want to renew your faith,  please pray this prayer 

“Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me of my sins and cleanse me with Your Blood. Deliver me from sin and Satan to serve the living God. I accept You as my Lord and Savior. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.”'

Prayers for Today

  1. Father, all the glory belongs to you.
  2. Father, cleanse me from all sins in Jesus name.
  3. Father, I depend on you at all times, strengthen me in Jesus name.
  4. Father, may my joy be complete  in Jesus name.
  5. Father, I pray, anoint me with fresh oil in Jesus name.
Send me an email, if you prayed to give your life to Christ, God bless you. 
All scriptures are in NKJV, unless stated. 

Monday, August 15, 2016


Topic: Mentality.

Memory Verse: And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2

Main Texts: Romans 8:5-6

Daily Quote: Godly men breeds good deeds – Michael Gyekye

Bible in One Year - Nehemiah 9:22-10:39 1 Corinthians 9:19-10:13 Psalm 34:1-10 Proverbs 21;13

According to our main text for today, our minds are drawn to the fact that, those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, they are limited to the dictates and what the common world can bring. They operate upon earthly principles like, I do you, you do me. Their trust is in men rather than God, but those who live according to the Spirit, they set their minds on the things of the Spirit, for to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Many of us are too carnal and there is no spiritual sensitivity but I pray that God will grant you grace in Jesus name. For there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Beloved, what we see are not real, but what we don’t see. You are a spirit not a body so set your mind as such.

Tune in your mind to operate as a spirit-man not a body-man. Spirit man bears fruit pertaining to the spirit such as love, patience, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. A body-man hold grudges and doesn’t forgive, he fights for everything and anything. If you are not lucky as a pastor and you have body-men as leaders, hmm! You are doomed into disgrace and destruction. Tune in your mind to be in Christ for you are a spirit-man.

“Enough is Enough 2016" is coming off November 5th at PIWC-NY, 1600 Adams st, NY 10460, 4pm-9:30pm. It is a 5-hour prayer, the word, praise and worship, deliverance program, aimed to cry unto God for the impossible. Please pray about it. I have prayed to God that, if He will not answer you, He shouldn’t let it come on. But I know He will.  It is a platform for a miraculous breakthrough. God bless your Jesus precious name.

Note this: 

God loves you and wants to set you free. Jesus died for you and salvation is the gateway for divine blessings and abundance. If you are not born again, you are not free. If you want to be born again today by giving your life to Christ, or you want to renew your faith,  please pray this prayer 

“Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me of my sins and cleanse me with Your Blood. Deliver me from sin and Satan to serve the living God. I accept You as my Lord and Savior. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.”'

Prayers for Today

  1. Father, I have set my mind on you, I praise you forever more.
  2. Father, I renew my faith in you  in Jesus name.
  3. Father, I pray, preserve my mind from the corrupt world in Jesus name.
  4. Father, I pray, rescue my troubled mind in Jesus name.
  5. Father, I pray, I shall not fail but will win all battles in Jesus name.
Send me an email, if you prayed to give your life to Christ, God bless you. 
All scriptures are in NKJV, unless stated.