Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Topic: The name Jesus

Memory Verse: And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord, shall be saved. Acts 2:21

Main Texts: Matthew 1:21 16:13-14, Matthew 21:10-11, John 7:25-27

Word for Thought: Jesus's name is a weapon.

There is no other name like Jesus. His name has been lifted above every other name, that at the mention of the name, knee bow, sicknesses bow, principalities bow, storms bow, death bow, rulers of darkness and witches bow, and Satan himself, the cause of most misfortunes bow. There is a saving grace in His name, from our anchor scripture, whoever calls on the name Jesus shall be saved. there is then a saving grace in the name. Peter was sinking, He called the name, and He was saved. In Mathew 1:21, He will save us from all our sins. There is a saving grace in the name.

Blind Bartimaeus received his sight when he called on the name as in Mark 10:46-52. He would have remained blind if he had not called His name. There is a healing power in His name, by His stripes we are healed. The key is us calling on His name, the healing power is in His name, anyone who calls in faith is guaranteed his or her healing. there was also the woman with the issue of blood, she just called touched him, and the blood that was flowing for twelve years stopped. that is why I am encouraged that, any predicament following your destiny, at this point is stopping now in Jesus name!

There is power in His name! Jesus said "All power has been given unto me" that was to say, power is in His bank, anyone looking should come to me. If He says all power, He means all power on earth and in the heavens belongs to Him. We need power. Without power we become a wanderer, weak and troubled. In obedience and humility God can grant us such power that we can become a wonder to our enemies and a terror to the power of darkness. This world is ruled by wickedness, and the prince of this world Satan is working hard to kill, steal and to destroy believers, but Jesus left us with power as in Acts 1:8 "you shall receive Power..." Whenever you encounter difficulties, problems and trials, mention no other but Jesus.


  1. Pray and thank God for another bless-full day.
  2. Pray this " In the name of Jesus, I am an overcommer"
  3. Pray this "Any power pursuing my life today must bow to the name Jesus"
  4. Pray this "Any battle in the physical or spiritual must answer to His name Jesus"
  5. Pray this "Jesus save the lost and perfect their destiny"
  6. commit your family, job, education, church into the hands of God today.

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