Saturday, July 18, 2015

Topic: Pray Always !

Memory Verse:  So Abraham prayed to God; and God healed Abimelech, his wife, and his female servants. Then they bore children; Genesis 20:17

Main Texts: Psalm 17:1, 32:6, Acts 12:5, 1 Thessalonian 5:17, 

Word for Thought: Prayer is a two force, the force that goes up and the one that comes down

Until you pray you will never pray. This may be a little confusing but if you understand what I said here, you will notice that what I am saying here is that, if you know the importance of prayer and if you get response from prayer, you will always pray. Prayer is a two way force, the one that goes up and the one that comes down.

God hears all prayers but does not answer all prayers. He can say yes to a prayer, also be silent on a prayer, and can also give a no to a prayer. God answers His children's prayer. What makes a prayer effective, and what builds you up is a consistent prayer life. It is ok to fellowship with someone for a day but the relationship becomes intimate if there is a continuous communication and fellowship. Consistent prayer life strengthens our relationship with God.

How will you feel if someone you don't know ask you something as compared to the one you know? If your guess is good as mine you will pray. Abimelech found himself and his entire family in a trouble, only prayer could avert the situation, Esther and the Jews were about to be executed but prayer changed the situation, Daniel was waiting for Israel freedom but prayer caused it into effect, Peter was caught in prison, the people prayed, and miraculously he came out. I do not know your situation today, but you are just a prayer away. Pray today, pray tomorrow and God, our prayer answering God will answer you speedily in Jesus name.

Prayers ………………………………

1.       Pray and worship the Lord our Father for His goodness today and forever.
2.       Pray this "Father, equip me the power to maintain in the fervency of prayer, in Jesus name".
3.       Pray this “ Father, as I pray today, may the heavens open to answer me speedily in Jesus name”
4.       Pray this “Father, every satanic agenda to destroy my prayer life is destroyed by fire in Jesus name"

If your are not born again, you live a danger life, pray this prayer if you want to give your life to Christ,
“Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me of my sins and cleanse me with Your Blood. Deliver me from sin and Satan to serve the living God. I accept You as my Lord and Savior. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.”

 send me an email, if you prayed this prayer, God bless you

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