Friday, September 25, 2015

Know your Dreams

Topic: Know your Dreams

Memory Verse:  Then the secret was revealed to Daniel in a night vision. So Daniel blessed the God of heaven. Daniel 2:19.

Main Texts:   Genesis 40:1-23

Word For Thought: Your dreams are your dreams in life.

A group of scientists at Boston’s Harvard Medical School say they’ve made the stunning discovery that dreams are not, as once thought, a series of abstract sensations, images and sounds that occur during sleep, but rather demonstrably real events that take place in an alternate universe that can only be accessed during certain stages of unconsciousness.

I know you may be bored with scientific discoveries and studies, but I want to tell you “Pay attention to your dreams”. They are important, do something about it.They are unconscious real life events that are happening in the spiritual world about to manifest or is manifesting in the physical. Dreams can be from God, the devil or desires from men. Since a man is made up of an unseen soul and spirit, your desires can put you to the dream world.

King Nebuchadnezzar had dreams; and his spirit was so troubled that his sleep left him. What this means is that, his spirit was engaged in a real life events, but when He got back to the real world, He forgot. Then the king gave the command to call the magicians, the astrologers, the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans to tell the king his dreams. Why will he be troubled? Dreams are real, finally God gave him the meaning. Seek God for the truth behind your dreams.

God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, Jacob had a dream, angels were ascending and descending on a ladder, he later on had some other dreams, his way of escape was by a dream, his father in-law also had a dream. Also Joseph had dreams, but it took years, yet it came to pass. He was an interpreter of dreams also in the prisons, those dreams came to pass. Dreams can be your access to divine breakthrough. Joseph, in a dream God spoke to him to take baby Jesus away to Egypt. God uses them to warn and to provide us with information.

The same way, the devil can manipulate and use dreams to affect our lives. Know the source of your dream also know the truth behind the dream, whether good or bad, so you can pray well. Some people are living in a guided life today, all because of what they have seen.  Others too became careless, and now they are in spiritual bondage. Joseph run away from Portipha’s wife all because he knew what the Lord was about to do in his life. God bless you. 

Note this: 

God loves us that He 
demonstrated his Love by giving us Jesus. Through Him we operate in miracles, signs and wonders. If you are not born again, you are not a partaker of this great power. Your life is limited with no divine inheritance, no direction, and failure is not an option.  Moreover, you are a candidate of hell fire. My dear, if you want to be born again by giving your life to Christ, or to renew your faith,  pray this prayer 

“Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me of my sins and cleanse me with Your Blood. Deliver me from sin and Satan to serve the living God. I accept You as my Lord and Savior. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.”'

Prayers for Today

  1. Father, I praise and worship you, you are a faithful God.
  2. Father, I pray, I forgive me of any carelessness in Jesus name.
  3. Father, I pray, reveal Yourself to me in dreams, in Jesus name
  4. Father, I pray, misdirect any satanic agent assigned to my dreams in Jesus name..
  5. Father, I pray, my destiny can never be swallowed bu I'm coming forth in Jesus name.
  6. Father, I pray, rescue all oppressed and troubled in Jesus name.

Send me an email, if you prayed to give your life to Christ, God bless you ;;;


  1. Testimonial to confirm that, dreams are real and you don't have to sleep before dreams are made real to you. One day being jobless and restless. I heard a command, dress up professionally and show up at a job location and to present your joblessness issue to the head of HR department. I obeyed the dream and did as I was told in prayer. When I got to security, I was given a pass to HR. The second, individual, I met on the floor, was the head of HR. She asked who allowed you in, since you are only permitted here upon invitation. I said to her, I need a job. She accepted my resume right away and the results, had been 10 years on the same job. God is real in our dream. God bless you, please follow your dreams. Either to overcome the enemy or claim your blessings from God.
